Ordering Information The Architosh Book Store consist of numerous category pages featuring books at Amazon.com and -- as in some special cases -- Fatbrain.com online bookstores. Additionally, many Architosh pages feature Amazon.com sidebar ads, from which you can visit Amazon, purchase products and help support Architosh. To order a book you follow a link to a specific product page or category page at Amazon.com. If you order the book immediately we receive up to 15%. If you order a different product we receive 5%. Qualifying Orders A "qualifying" order from associate bookstores are only those that happen immediately after visting an "associate" site, Architosh.com is an Amazon and Fatbrain Associate site. This is in effect, a zero (0) day rule. So remember if you are going to do a lot of Amazon.com shopping and wish to help support Architosh, then please visit our site first and select an Amazon.com link graphic from our many pages. Thank you. | Payment Options Both Amazon and Fatbrain except numerous credit cards such as American Express, Visa and Mastercard. Suggestions? If you have any suggestions for our "Associate" book store programs with Architosh please email Architosh at: [email protected] |