LinuxPPC (PowerPC) is riding the Linux movement
with all of the excitement of Red Hat, SuSe and IBMto name
just a tiny, tiny fraction of players involved. Yes! you too can
check out what's so hot about Linux, and all on your existing Macintosh

What is Linux Anyway?
- If you haven't heard of it yet, Linux is an open-source Unix-based
operating system invented mostly by Linus Torvalds. Technically
Linux is a freely distributed implementation of Unix that runs
on a number of hardware platforms and processors, including Intel
x86, Itanium, Sun SPARC, Dec Alpha, AIM PowerPC, IBM RISC, etc.
etc. Because it is free and runs on a large variety of hardware
it is very popular and is growing twice as fast in the server
market over any other rival.
Another very popular free UNIX operating system is FreeBSD (Berkeley
Standard Distribution) UNIX, which is incorporated inside of Apple's
new Mac OS X. FreeBSD is famously deployed as the OS behind some
of the world's largest Web sites, including the largest one Yahoo!
- Linux on PowerPC Hardware
- Below are a listing of resources for learning about Linux on
PowerPC hardware:

- Below are a listing of Linux on PowerPC hardware Providers:

UNIX has run on Apple hardware for many years. In fact Apple's
own AIX server operating system was based on IBM's RISC-based UNIX
operating system. For a few years Apple produced AIX servers, beautiful
boxes for that time, and industrial strength in many aspects.
There are reasons why you might want to run UNIX on your Mac. For
starters you might want to run Radiance, the US Department of Energy's
raytracing lighting simulation program. You may also want to run
other high-end 3D and visualization software under UNIX. Below are
a few UNIX distributions for your Apple hardware:
Tenon also makes CodeBuilder,
a complete UNIX development environment for the Macintosh.