Universe 5 - Part 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | In Part 2 we take a brief look at Universe 5 and provide plenty of screenshots so you can gain a more intimate feeling for the application suite. Looking at Modeler 5 Universe 5 has a non-Aqua compliant UI and while Apple may prefer they adopt Aqua as soon as possible we feel there is no big need to do so. The UI on Universe 5 is the same regardless of what platform you are running it on (Mac OS 9, OS X, or Windows). Universe's interface is exceptionally clean. Unlike most CAD applications which contain rows and columns of numerous tool buttons, Universe has all its controls contained in a narrow Tools palette on the far left. Clicking on one tab brings up the tool buttons under that tab.(see image 001-002). By selecting the Option key while holding down on the tab the buttons convert to more space efficient text versions, complete with cascading sub menus if necessary. You also have the option of tearing away multiple and individual palettes to position where you need them (closer to your work if need be). (see images 003) Additional interface controls include contextual menus associated with individual tool palettes and windows. Control clicking on an open window will provide a contextual menu with numerous options for that window. (see image 005). Modeler 5 contains seven different types of solid primitives such as cube, sphere, cylinder, torus, cone, pyramid, and prism. These are the basic elements from which a beginner would start modeling. Double-clicking the cube tool button will bring up a Block Settings window where you can type in specific X, Y, and Z dimensions in the units of choice. To place objects you rely on grid controls for accuracy. These are set in the Global Tessellation preferences control panel. Universe's Tessellation features (009) enable the user to convert ACIS bodies into objects that can be viewed and exported to other programs. The tessellation settings can be global for a particular model file or the user can define specific Tessellation settings for individual objects in the same file. Electric Image is ACIS-based and is therefore resolution independent which means the resolution may only need to be set at the end of the process. This allows 3D professionals to change the resolutions should the jobs's specifications evolve. Next page: Looking at Animator 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |