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Architosh User Group: Boston Area Professionals Interested

17 May 99.

Some Boston area professionals have expressed interest in the formation of an Architosh User Group or a Macintosh AEC User Group (MAECUG). If you are an AEC professional interested in joining and helping to form such a group and you are in the greater Boston area please express your interest by sending in an email to Architosh.

Banding together to help each other learn about how to get the best out of the Macintosh platform in architecture and AEC is just one reason to form such a user group. Other benefits include networking and making friends, social functions, discounts on Apple and third-party products, and a unified voice that is industry specific to AEC. As emails come in we will post more information on the formation of such a user group. Also as progress builds a temporary Web site will be placed within the Architosh Web site.

If you have any questions about who is interested (if that should matter to you) or what types of things the user group might do, please email us. Also, if you are NOT in the Boston area and are interested in forming your own group and would like to discuss that with us as well as have Architosh bring it to the attention of its readers, please let us know as well. Lastly, if you already belong to such a group please let us know so we can connect with you. Thanks.


Anthony Frausto, B.Arch.

Architosh Founder and Editor


[email protected]



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