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Architrion and ArchiDesign issues with the Mac OS, future upgrade

5 July 99.

Recently Architosh contacted BAGH in Canada concerning ArchiDesign and Architrion compatibility with the very latest versions of the Mac OS, 8.5 and 8.6. We also asked if the rumors that an upgrade was coming soon -- as in this summer -- were true. Here is what we learned:

  • The 3D library in ArchiDesign and Architrion 5.8 will not work with Mac OS 8.x. The last version of the Mac OS that is fully compatible is 7.6.1.
  • Architrion VI and ArchiDesign: With Mac OS 8.5 - 8.6 the background color of the dialog box will be white instead of grey. If the dialog box is very large, then a fix can be found by opening the Appearance control panel, select the Fonts tab and deselect "Smooth all fonts on screen".

in regards to the rumors that an upgrade to the Canadian CAD and design software should arrive sometime this summer, all that was said was: "there should be an upgrade in late summer." For those of you currently using the software and dealing with technical issues an upgrade later this summer may be just the fix you have been looking for. And hopefully, BAGH software engineers have gotten ahead of the Mac OS curve a bit, allowing this -- "late summer" -- upgrade to be fully compatible with Sonata, the much anticipated next major upgrade of the Mac OS.

If any reader has further information that helps raise the spirits of Macintosh-based Architrion and ArchiDesign users, please send them in so we can share them with the rest of the Mac AEC community. And for those of you who have not checked out ArchiDesign, we suggest you do, as we have heard really positive things about it. Thanks.




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