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Architectural Tours: Visit 'Virtual Munich' with QuickTimeVR

19 October 99.

Tour Bavaria with QuickTimeVR (requires QuickTime 3.0 or QuickTime 4.0)

Virtual Munich is an extensive virtual reality environment in and around Munich using QuickTimeVR movies. For German culture, art and architecture fans this site is worth a visit. Come look at the classical pavilion in the Hofgarten, with rows of red and white flowers framing it in a star pattern along the many walks that terminate into it.

The Odeonspatz features a wall of classical arcaded buildings forming the edge of the grand plaza with excellent (looks like early to mid German Baroque) church with a voluminous facade rippling out from the flat planes of the Renaissance buildings to its sides.

In addition to the inner Munich tours there are items a little farther out from the city's core, including the collection of modern architecture that forms the Exhibition Area -- somewhat Meier like but not nearly as good. There is also a neat vertically oriented VR of St. Pauls Kirche. Lot's to look at for architects and history buffs. And all of it made possible with Apple's QuickTimeVR technology.


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