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The iDeveloper and CocoaCard Contents Summary

11 Feb 2000

Everything you want to know about iDeveloper (TM) and CocoaCard (TM)

We put this Contents together to help people find all of our articles on these two software application ideas for Apple and the Macintosh community. It should be said, that iDeveloper and CocoaCard are not shipping products by Apple, the Architosh site, BritasMedia (our publisher) or any other developer, nor are they announced products from any of the above. They are trademarks for "product concepts and services" and the terms used to describe such future products and services. The articles describe them as products and services for Apple to ideally produce, but Architosh cannot comment further about any such plans for these services.

The following articles describe the evolution of our concepts for iDeveloper and CocoaCard:

Opinion - iDeveloper: Apple's next great thing! - [14 Jan 00]

Opinion - CocoaCard: Apple's next great application and iTool! - [17 Jan]

CocoaCard - Part 2: Mac software authoring made easy - [28 Jan]

iDeveloper: Mac programming guru, Dan Parks Sydow, responds! - [11 Feb]


Article 1

The first article describes iDeveloper as "Apple's next great software application that ties in to its new Internet strategy tools." The most memorable quote is:

"Make an iDeveloper area on, complete with QuickTime-based iDeveloper School, iDeveloper Forum/Chat and iDeveloper Debugger/Optimizer. In short, create technology that helps get all these great ideas out of people's heads and into real Mac OS X code."

Article 2

This article quotes mixed reader feedback to iDeveloper and go forward with the CocoaCard idea. The article describes the differences in CocoaCard from iDeveloper and refines iDeveloper as a product as well by discussing its target audience. CocoaCard is described as a K-12/consumer app -- essentially a HyperCard for Mac OS X with one important difference. A description of what CocoaCard can do with a fictional application explains that difference further.

This article list resources online for other HyperCard-like products and visual Java tools for Macintosh.

Article 3

This article summarizes the two previous articles briefly and includes further information. It provides information on HyperSense for Mac OS X, a forthcoming HyperCard-like environment that claims to do much of what the CocoaCard application idea does. We explain the difference.

Article 4

We think this may be our last article on iDeveloper and CocoaCard but we said that with the third one. This article includes a lengthy and detailed email by Mac programming legend Dan Parks Sydow, author of numerous books on Macintosh programming. Very good reading! Highly recommended, but you should read all of the articles as they contain a wealth of information.

This article also list the hottest and most essential books on Mac programming and scripting.


More Great Reactions to CocoaCard and iDeveloper!

"I absolutely LOVE the idea for CocoaCard. I work at a small law office with all the applications mentioned in the article (AppleWorks, FMPro, AppleScript, etc.) One of our biggest difficulties is bringing new employees up to speed on our database operation. An application such as CocoaCard would allow me to quickly develop a training tool using all of my favorite apps!" -- Larry Staton Jr. Coye & Copeland, P.A.

"The article on iDeveloper is one that should not be ignored by Apple. I forwarded it to [email protected] I'm not a developer, or even a power user, but I read the highlighted article when the hyperlink was offered on macsurfer and I realized the simple beauty of it. Give people further incentive to invest time and effort into their platform of choice, further increasing the strength and diversity that it will eventually offer. I believe this is the beginning of the most cared for, and progressive O.S." -- Jeff

"Why don't [you] make an international petition for your idea and post the result of the petition to Steve himself ? I vote for you !!!!" -- Frederic Vallee

"I think that's a fantastic idea. Programs like Realbasic and visual basic are great, but they could become even better if they were truly integrated and had extensive help and availability to other developers. i think it should ship as part of the OS also." -- Justin Garcia


I read your two articles outlining the idea of a simplified development environment. I think the idea is quite interesting and, actually, the CocoaCard concept is not all that different from the original idea of SmallTalk. Although SmallTalk became a professional development environment, Alan Kay first designed it to allow children and teachers to create simulations and multimedia applications. I mention this only because I think OS X's OO architecture would allow for this type of application to be created and hopefully further the idea of putting power in the hands of creative people." -- Anthony Trumbo

Have your own reactions or want to see a petition for iDeveloper or CocoaCard - like applications from Apple????. Send us a line via email. We think this can happen. Speak up!



Anthony Frausto-Robledo, B.Arch., is the founder, publisher, and editor of the award-winning Architosh Web site. Educated as an architect, he has been an AEC professional for over 15 years and has been a designer with distinguished Boston architectural firms prior to launching his firm BritasMedia. As president of BritasMedia, Anthony consults AEC firms on design, Web and IT-design related issues in addition to publishing the Architosh site daily. He has been a member of the Thesis Studio and History & Theory faculty at the Boston Architectural Center College of Architecture and Interior Design since 1997. BritasMedia's mission with the Architosh Website is to again establish the Apple Macintosh platform as the premier worldwide leading computer system for technical CAD/design professionals.

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