- Architosh Staff ([email protected])
- 3 August 2001
Coming Up! Review of MacDraft 5 and Special Interview Architosh will feature a detailed review of MacDraft 5 and a Special Interview next week. Next week we'll give folks a good look-over on MacDraft 5, Microspot's latest version of the venerable drafting CAD program. Lot's of screen shots and little notes. We will also have a special surprise interview article. Actually for those paying attention you should know with who already. In any case, two good features coming up next week before we take a week-long vacation break. We have lot's of interesting good links in our Around the Web article notes so check that out. | Bill Gates' House Designed on Macintosh? PowerBook G3's Win at CAD Shootout! Special Report: Financial Software for Architects What you didn't know about GHz processors, and more...- [Aug 3] New! Around the Web: New design Web site, G4, et al. - [Aug 3] New! Coming Up! Review of MacDraft 5 and Special Interview - [Aug 3] New! MacCAD: BOA to be OS X only in version 3.0 - [Aug 3] New! MacCAD: HP Delivers OS X drivers for DesignJet's - [Aug 3] New! MacCAD: BOA publishes first BOA Plane Talk newsletter - [Aug 1] New! Acne's: Kirksey moves up to ArchiCAD 7.0 - [Aug 1] New! Mac3D: VectorWorks SPOTLIGHT 9.0.1 ships - [Aug 1] New! A reader comments on MO drives by Fujitsu - [Aug 1] New! Shootout: G4 tower stacks up well against PC's - [Aug 1] New! Nemetschek N.A. updates products, other news - [jul 31] New! Macworld Expo News and Features MWNY: Fujitsu Computer's new MO Products - [jul 29] MWNY: ThinkFree Office, Universal office productivity - [jul 29] MWNY: Architosh Forums Prize Winners Announced! - [jul 27] MWNY: Nemetschek combines VW Architect with Landmark - [jul 27] MWNY: Abvent news - ZOOM GDL tool announced - [jul 27] MWNY: Expo Pictures - [jul 26] Mac3D: New version of Lightworks rendering engine, v6.0 - [jul 26] MWNY: VectorWorks demonstrated on Mac OS X - [jul 23] Updated! MWNY: Notes on Mac OS X (10.1 update) - [jul 23] MWNY: Lightwave 6.5 rocks Macworld audiences - [jul 23] MWNY: Less than 48 hrs left in Architosh Forums Prize Contest - [jul 22] MWNY: Keynote and Expo Summary Notes - [jul 22] MWNY: Ashlar announces new product line - [jul 22] MWNY: Alias/Wavefront makes splash at Macworld! - [jul 22] MWNY: VectorWorks demonstrated on Mac OS X - [jul 23] MWNY: Shockwave takes on 3D, new partners sign on - [jul 22] Keynote Predictions: Crystal Ball 2001 New York - [jul 18] Architosh Firm Profile: Interview with Luminetik, 3D Macintosh Studio - [jul 17] Architosh to Cover Macworld Expo - Notes - [jul 17] Pre-New York Meditations on the Possible - [jul 17] Architosh Feature Interview: Microspot Ltd talks Technical CAD on the Mac - [jul 12] New! MacCAD news: Nemetschek initiates 2001-2002 Learning Tour - [jul 12] ArchiCAD used for design of tallest residential skyscraper - [jul 12] Mac3DNY.org renames and sponsors Teapot Awards - [jul 9] Mac3D: Mac Cinema4D user creates masterful short film - [jul 9] MacCAD: Free SPOTLIGHT Training by Nemetschek - [jul 9] Quesa Group has QuickDraw 3D API on Mac OS X - [jul 6] OpenDWG Alliance has Mac OS X code libraries available - [jul 6] Microspot Sponsors Architosh Forum Prize Contest! - [jun 29] MacCAD news: VectorWorks for Mac OS X news - [jun 29] Tomorrow last day to get Electric Image (3D Toolkit) for $99 - [jun 29] Architosh.com - What's Coming Up in the Near Future - [jun 29] Architosh - Status Reports: Autocad, G4's and Other Info - [jun 29] Mac3D market needs new Wildcat II graphics card - [jun 28] MacCAD: Nemetschek NA finalizes VectorWorks 9.0.1 update - [Jun 28] AEC Newsletter CAD/3D platform poll, go show Mac support! - [jun 26] OS X news: Autodesk seems to have taken a fancy to dock... - [jun 22] Mac3D news: Japanese 3D tool, HexaSuper 2 for Mac - [jun 22] VersaCAD 2001 Mac shown at AEC Systems - [jun 22] Apple not at AEC Show, inexplicable or not? - [jun 20] MacCAD news: VectorWorks LANDMARK is now officially shipping - [Jun 20] MacCAD news: ArchiCAD to implement National CAD Standards - [Jun 20] Mac3D news: 3D Nature intros Z-Buffer Compositor for LightWave 6.5 - [jun 19] MacCAD news: Cigraph ships two new ArchiCAD plugins - [jun 19] Graphisoft intros ArchiFM 7 WebServer in Europe - [Jun 19] ArchiFM WebServer to be announced by Graphisoft - [jun 15] Online Design Tools site counting Mac visitors - [Jun 15] MacCAD news: EON to work with ArchiCAD/GDL - [Jun 15] MacCAD news: new interactive 3D technology headed for OS X - [Jun 15] Mac3D news: Get ElectricImage 2.9 for just $198 now - [jun 13] Mac3D news: Hot new tools from Japan need US attention - [Jun 13] Mac3D news: TGS/Eovia offer Amapi 3D v4.15 for free - [Jun 13] Mac3D news: dvGarage intros new 3D Training Kit - [Jun 13] Dr. Bott's DVIator for ADC-displays now shipping - [Jun 13] Mac3D news: POV-Ray for Mac OS and OS X - [jun 12] Macs ousted for CAD Lab at Sacramento High School - [jun 8] Revit attacks Autocad market, actually good for Mac users? - [jun 8] Q: Need for Macintosh CNC Milling Software - [jun 8] MacCAD news: Interstudio announces DigiCAD 3D 6.0 - [jun 6] Macintosh Facilities Management software options - [jun 6] MacCAD news: Apple seminar on new ArchiCAD 7.0 - [jun 5] Map Resources updates site with new map finding facilities - [Jun 1] Microspot ships new MacDraft 5.0 CAD program - [Jun 1] Q: Need for Mac Facility Management software - [Jun 1] Mac3D: LightWave 6.5 presentation, Apple Market Center New York - [may 30] Home automation software for Mac, useful to architects/builders - [may 30] 280+ Architecture Firms show support of Macintosh - [may 29] Architosh's AIWUG updated: 300+ member firms and growing - [may 29] Mac3D news: MCnurbs Creator 2, updated for VectorWorks 9 - [may 25] Mac3D news: Cinema4D XL 7 offers new radiosity engine - [may 25] Mac3D news: Strata ships new 'Strata 3DPlus' - [may 22] Mac3D news: Strata updates Strata 3DPro to v.3.5 - [may 22] Cool news coming out of WWDC-2001 - [may 22] Summary of Apple Store Opening Action, Links - [may 19] Mac3D News: Looks like Blender is coming soon! - [may 18] Mac3D News: Running Radiance on OS X, instructions - [may 18] Mac3D News: VRML on the Macintosh - [may 16] Learning more about Mac OS X - [may 16] Mac Aircraft design software - part 2 - [may 16] Architosh is TenLinks.com 'Site of the Week' - [may 15] Hot Door introduces 'Perspective' for Illustrator 8 & 9 - [may 15] Mac3D: Aircraft design software and Object-Maker - [may 15] StudioDESK: Is Autodesk looking at the Mac again? - [may 11] Q&A: Any Mac software for designing aircraft? - [may 11] Mac Architect: Apple to host free BOA CAD seminar - [may 10] MacCAD News: VectorWorks and PowerBooks, map ancient cities - [may 9] VectorWorks helps student win International competition - [may 9] A Mac version of MECcheck in the works - [may 9] MacCAD News: Autocad sales down, Mac CAD up? - [may 9] Architosh Forums: Multi-Prize Giveaway - [may 9] New Architosh Highlights: Firm Profile: Of the Place Itself, A vernacular Modernism in Austin - [may 2] New! Introducing our Architosh Digital Practice Guide - [may 2] New! DPG: Finding Macintosh CAD/3D and AEC software - [may 2] New! DPG: Our Macintosh Hardware Guide - [may 2] New! DPG: Searching our DPG FAQ Guides - [may 2] New! DPG - FAQ: What 3D Mac apps are there for industrial designers? - [may 2] New! DPG - FAQ: What apps are available for managing building projects? - [may 2] New! New Architosh Site Area Content! New Digital Practice Guide - [may 2] New! New Revised CAD/3D Forums - [may 2] New! New Edutainment Site Area - [Jan 9] Architosh New Feature: Communication, Design and the Internet - [Jan 9] Mac OS X Page: Comparative Table - Win2000/Linux - [Jan 9] Building a Macintosh CAD Workstation - [Jan 9] Building an Apple Server Solution - [Jan 9] New Find Facilities and Sherlock Tips - [Jan 9] Visit the Architosh e-Bookstore! | | | | Home > Features > News |