- Architosh Staff ([email protected])
- 20 Aug 2001
Heading to Maya for OS X
Eyematic Interfaces, Inc. has announced at SIGGRAPH 2001 that
it is now shipping FaceStation that will soon work with the Mac
OS X version of Maya. FaceStation is a high-end software/hardware
system that streamlines professional facial animation that will
allow film, television and interactive game animators to create
and drive facial character animation in real time.
FaceStation also includes Eyematic FaceLifter, a tool that "lifts"
facial tracking data from previous video recordings and significantly
increases an animator's source for content. It also allows the animator
to make changes or updates as often as they choose without the tedious
process of frame-by-frame modification and rendering the updated
Eyematic FaceStation works with the Eyematic FaceDriver plug-in
for 3ds max and Maya, and enables anyone with moderate experience
in those 3D animation/modeling packages to create facial animation
with lifelike emotions for multiple platforms.
For more information now, visit http://www.eyematic.com.
Gates' House Designed on Macintosh?
G3's Win at CAD Shootout!
Report: Financial Software for Architects
Apple CAD
Seminar: Publish the
Virtual Building w/ ArchiCAD 7 - [Sep 4] New! ArchitectureSeminar:
Expanding your practice
with the Internet - [Sep 4] New! MacCAD: $1
million VersaCAD Mac donation to U.S. schools - [Sep 4] New! Mac3D: Medical
3D Reader Question Gets Answers - [Sep 4] New! Mac3D: Reader
Q: More help on Medical 3D on Mac - [Sep 4] New! Architosh
Looking for Mac CAD/3D writers/pros/editors - [Sep 4] New! Reader Q:
is there a list of
Mac 3D firms that support your site? - [Sep 4] New! Mac3D Science
Q: Mac medical scientist
needs your 3D help! - [Aug 29] Mac3D news:
Illumenal.com is new multiplatform
3D website - [Aug 29] Apple Conferences:
QuickTime Live Conference
- [Aug 29] RenderMan
for Mac OS X? A Petition Warranted? - [Aug 29] Pixar's
3D software upgrade renamed PR RenderMan 10 - [Aug 29] Strata
3Dpro training during Seybold, with free software offer - [Aug 24] Mac3D &
Film News: Mac user wins
Adobe 'Digi' award - [Aug 24] Mac3D news:
A New LightWave 7 Book!
- [Aug 24] BPT-Pro
& EXDFX-Pro, new CAD tools for Illustrator - [Aug 22] Apple
fixes QuickTime issue with Windows IE 5.5... - [Aug 22] AppleSeminars:
Managing your digital content - [Aug 22] VectorWorks
instructor needed at Endicott College - [Aug 22] Strata
and Electric Rain form Partnership - [Aug 21] Mac3D: Quesa
releases latest version 1.6d14 - [Aug 20] FaceStation
Heading to Maya for OS X - [Aug 20] 64-bit
vs 32-bit processors, and other items on the Web - [Aug 20] Siggraph
Coverage & Latest News Strata
DVplus 5.0 released for the Mac - [Aug 17] Siggraph:
OpenWorlds demos X3D open standards technology - [Aug 17] Siggraph:
LightWorks previews sketch rendering technology - [Aug 17] Siggraph:
Notes from the show floor p3. - [Aug 17] Siggraph:
Notes from the show floor p.2 - [Aug 17] Siggraph:
Notes from the show floor p1. - [Aug 17] Siggraph
2001 Exhibition, Notes and the Mac - [Aug 14]
Expo New York 2001 2001
Macworld NY Expo show reports - an index - [17 Aug] New!
Apple Cinema Display now supported on PC's - [Aug 14] Nemetschek
delivers new VectorWorks Viewer App - [Aug 14] Exclusive
interview on VectorWorks for Mac OS X - [Aug 13] Architosh
Review: MacDraft 5 by Microspot
- [Aug 8] What
you didn't know about GHz processors, and more...- [Aug 3] Around
the Web: New design Web site, G4, et al. - [Aug 3] Coming
Up! Review of MacDraft 5 and Special Interview - [Aug 3] MacCAD: BOA
to be OS X only in version 3.0 - [Aug 3] MacCAD: HP
Delivers OS X drivers for DesignJet's - [Aug 3] MacCAD: BOA
publishes first BOA Plane Talk newsletter - [Aug 1] Acne's: Kirksey
moves up to ArchiCAD 7.0 - [Aug 1] Mac3D: VectorWorks
SPOTLIGHT 9.0.1 ships - [Aug 1] A
reader comments on MO drives by Fujitsu - [Aug 1] Shootout:
G4 tower stacks up well against PC's - [Aug 1] Nemetschek
N.A. updates products, other news - [jul 31] Keynote
Predictions: Crystal Ball 2001 New York - [jul 18] Architosh
Firm Profile: Interview with
Luminetik, 3D Macintosh Studio - [jul 17] Architosh
to Cover Macworld Expo - Notes - [jul 17] Pre-New
York Meditations on the Possible - [jul 17] Architosh
Feature Interview: Microspot
Ltd talks Technical CAD on the Mac - [jul 12] New! MacCAD news:
Nemetschek initiates
2001-2002 Learning Tour - [jul 12] ArchiCAD
used for design of tallest residential skyscraper - [jul 12] Mac3DNY.org
renames and sponsors Teapot Awards - [jul 9] Mac3D: Mac
Cinema4D user creates masterful short film - [jul 9] MacCAD: Free
SPOTLIGHT Training by Nemetschek - [jul 9] Quesa
Group has QuickDraw 3D API on Mac OS X - [jul 6] OpenDWG
Alliance has Mac OS X code libraries available - [jul 6] Microspot
Sponsors Architosh Forum Prize Contest! - [jun 29] MacCAD news:
VectorWorks for Mac
OS X news - [jun 29] Tomorrow
last day to get Electric Image (3D Toolkit) for $99 - [jun 29] Architosh.com
- What's Coming Up in the Near Future - [jun 29] Architosh
- Status Reports: Autocad, G4's and Other Info - [jun 29] Mac3D
market needs new Wildcat II graphics card - [jun 28] MacCAD: Nemetschek
NA finalizes VectorWorks 9.0.1 update - [Jun 28] AEC
Newsletter CAD/3D platform poll, go show Mac support! - [jun 26] OS
X news: Autodesk seems to have taken a fancy to dock... - [jun 22] Mac3D news:
Japanese 3D tool, HexaSuper
2 for Mac - [jun 22] VersaCAD
2001 Mac shown at AEC Systems - [jun 22] Apple
not at AEC Show, inexplicable or not? - [jun 20] MacCAD news:
VectorWorks LANDMARK is now
officially shipping - [Jun 20] MacCAD news:
ArchiCAD to implement
National CAD Standards - [Jun 20] Mac3D news:
3D Nature intros Z-Buffer
Compositor for LightWave 6.5 - [jun 19] MacCAD news:
Cigraph ships two new
ArchiCAD plugins - [jun 19] Graphisoft
intros ArchiFM 7 WebServer in Europe - [Jun 19] ArchiFM
WebServer to be announced by Graphisoft - [jun 15] Online
Design Tools site counting Mac visitors - [Jun 15] MacCAD news:
EON to work with ArchiCAD/GDL
- [Jun 15] MacCAD news:
new interactive 3D technology
headed for OS X - [Jun 15] Mac3D news:
Get ElectricImage 2.9 for just
$198 now - [jun 13] Mac3D news:
Hot new tools from Japan
need US attention - [Jun 13] Mac3D news:
TGS/Eovia offer Amapi 3D v4.15
for free - [Jun 13] Mac3D news:
dvGarage intros new 3D Training
Kit - [Jun 13] Dr.
Bott's DVIator for ADC-displays now shipping - [Jun 13] Mac3D news:
POV-Ray for Mac OS and OS X
- [jun 12] Macs
ousted for CAD Lab at Sacramento High School - [jun 8] Revit
attacks Autocad market, actually good for Mac users? - [jun 8] Q:
Need for Macintosh CNC Milling Software - [jun 8] MacCAD news:
Interstudio announces DigiCAD
3D 6.0 - [jun 6] Macintosh
Facilities Management software options - [jun 6] MacCAD news:
Apple seminar on new ArchiCAD
7.0 - [jun 5] Map
Resources updates site with new map finding facilities - [Jun 1] Microspot
ships new MacDraft 5.0 CAD program - [Jun 1] Q:
Need for Mac Facility Management software - [Jun 1]
the Architosh e-Bookstore!
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