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Latest Survey/Petitions Mac3D: Pro 3D Mac Hardware Request Survey - [Sep 7] New! Mac3D: Take the Pixar RenderMan on Mac OS X Survey - [Sep 7] New! Latest News Mac3D: Newtek updates LightWave 3D 7 for AltiVec - [Sep 26] New! Mac3D: Zygote to offer new 3D libraries for VectorWorks - [Sep 26] New! Apple Seminar: Publishing the Virtual Building with ArchiCAD 7 - [Sep 25] New! Apple Seminar: Deliver Architectural Designs Faster, Easier, and in 3D with BOA - [Sep 25] New! RenderMan on OS X Petition/Survey, Prelim Results - [Sep 21] New! Mac3D: Alias to ship Maya for OS X Sept 25th - [Sep 20] New! MacCAD: New VersaCAD Mac 2001, September Edition - [Sep 20] New! MacCAD: Spanish version of VectorWorks 9 ships - [Sep 20] New! Apple 3D Seminars: Maya for Mac OS X Roadshow - [Sep 19] New! Odessa releases Pro version of ConceptDraw - [Sep 19] New! Architecture rendering contest show many Mac examples - [Sep 19] New! Mac3D: More info on medical 3D for the Macintosh - [Sep 17] New! HP's new CAD/3D plotters add valuable features - [Sep 17] New! Pro 3D Mac Hardware Survey - Prelim results tell... - [Sep 14] New! Reader Q: How do I convert GCD files to DXF - [Sep 14] New! Mac Architect: Architrion 6.43 user needs help - [Sep 11] New! MacCAD: Pictogramme bringing ADesign 4.5 to Mac OS X - [Sep 11] New! Mac3D: Responses to RenderMan on OS X Request - [Sep 7] Swedish Autocad firm switches to ArchiCAD 7 - [Sep 7] Mac3D: LightWorks rendering used by 750,000 users - [Sep 5] Deneba shows Canvas 8 for Mac OS X - [Sep 5] Rumor: Softimage developing for Mac OS X? - [Sep 5] Odessa has released ConceptDraw-Visio Converter 2.0 - [Sep 5] Apple CAD Seminar: Publish the Virtual Building w/ ArchiCAD 7 - [Sep 4] ArchitectureSeminar: Expanding your practice with the Internet - [Sep 4] MacCAD: $1 million VersaCAD Mac donation to U.S. schools - [Sep 4] Mac3D: Medical 3D Reader Question Gets Answers - [Sep 4] Mac3D: Reader Q: More help on Medical 3D on Mac - [Sep 4] Architosh Looking for Mac CAD/3D writers/pros/editors - [Sep 4] Reader Q: is there a list of Mac 3D firms that support your site? - [Sep 4] Odessa intros MindMap for Mac OS X, Mac and Windows - [Sep 4] Mac3D Science Q: Mac medical scientist needs your 3D help! - [Aug 29] Mac3D news: is new multiplatform 3D website - [Aug 29] Apple Conferences: QuickTime Live Conference - [Aug 29] RenderMan for Mac OS X? A Petition Warranted? - [Aug 29] Pixar's 3D software upgrade renamed PR RenderMan 10 - [Aug 29] Strata 3Dpro training during Seybold, with free software offer - [Aug 24] Mac3D & Film News: Mac user wins Adobe 'Digi' award - [Aug 24] Mac3D news: A New LightWave 7 Book! - [Aug 24] BPT-Pro & EXDFX-Pro, new CAD tools for Illustrator - [Aug 22] Apple fixes QuickTime issue with Windows IE 5.5... - [Aug 22] AppleSeminars: Managing your digital content - [Aug 22] VectorWorks instructor needed at Endicott College - [Aug 22] Strata and Electric Rain form Partnership - [Aug 21] Mac3D: Quesa releases latest version 1.6d14 - [Aug 20] FaceStation Heading to Maya for OS X - [Aug 20] 64-bit vs 32-bit processors, and other items on the Web - [Aug 20] Siggraph Coverage & Latest News Strata DVplus 5.0 released for the Mac - [Aug 17] Siggraph: OpenWorlds demos X3D open standards technology - [Aug 17] Siggraph: LightWorks previews sketch rendering technology - [Aug 17] Siggraph: Notes from the show floor p3. - [Aug 17] Siggraph: Notes from the show floor p.2 - [Aug 17] Siggraph: Notes from the show floor p1. - [Aug 17] Siggraph 2001 Exhibition, Notes and the Mac - [Aug 14] Macworld Expo New York 2001 2001 Macworld NY Expo show reports - an index - [17 Aug] New! Ultimate Apple Cinema Display now supported on PC's - [Aug 14] Nemetschek delivers new VectorWorks Viewer App - [Aug 14] Exclusive interview on VectorWorks for Mac OS X - [Aug 13] Architosh Review: MacDraft 5 by Microspot - [Aug 8] What you didn't know about GHz processors, and more...- [Aug 3] Around the Web: New design Web site, G4, et al. - [Aug 3] Coming Up! Review of MacDraft 5 and Special Interview - [Aug 3] MacCAD: BOA to be OS X only in version 3.0 - [Aug 3] MacCAD: HP Delivers OS X drivers for DesignJet's - [Aug 3] MacCAD: BOA publishes first BOA Plane Talk newsletter - [Aug 1]
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