Internet Enabled Project Management
Lastly in this large and interesting chapter Jonathan discusses
Internet-enabled Project Management and the systems that are
evolving on the Net. Every AEC professional knows that lack
of coordination is the biggest single source of problems.
The shared "project model" concept is brought up as an evolutionary
direction for CAD systems with integrated Web features. Jonathan
remarks that, "instead of creating standalone CAD drawings
and models, architects would contribute to the physical design
attributes of a building to the larger computer representation
of the building as both an object and a process. Now CAD drawing
become just a kind of report, reflecting only one aspect of
the total process represented in the model."
Although the book is not about CAD technologies, per se,
there is ample discussion about where CAD and the Web are
converging. (see below on XML and CAD)
Case Studies on Intranet & Extranets
Aside from chapter 7, chapter 8, Intranets
and Extranets is the most engaging and invaluable
chapter in the whole book. In fact, one could develop
a whole book on this subject alonea sort of 'AEC
networks in a Net World'.
Extranets in particular are one area architects are
getting anxious to know a little more about. Jonathan
provides AEC professionals with over a half dozen real
world case studies from leading practitioners. Everything
from the famous Ove Arup and Partners' "Intranet" experiences
to the extranet experiences of Natick, Massachusetts
- based MathWorks and their new corporate headquarters
project designed by ADD Inc., of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
In the case of MathWorks' new corporate headquarters,
the use of Evolv's ProjectCenter is explained in detail,
including how they came about choosing the system, how
it streamlined owner-architect communications and how
it literally paid for itself by saving courier expenses
Extranet Vendors
a good list of of extranet vendors visit this
article at Architecture Record, by Jerry
Laiserin FAIA. Click on the Vendor Guide for
Web addresses.
an Extranet? Read
this definition and then continue with the
article below.
So you don't know what an Extranet
is? Or an Intranet?
Many AEC professionals are aware of Intranets
but Extranets are relatively new. Extranets are like Intranets
that don't reside behind company firewalls and provide various
levels of accessibility to outsiders over the Net. Usually
access is controlled by user names and passwords. They are
a growing way business partners can work efficiently together
from remote places around the globe or just across town. As
the book outlines, key advantages are:
- Contractors can tie together their
subs and material suppliers in a way that improves communication
and speeds response to bidding requests.
- Building owners, particularly institutional
and corporate ones, can use an extranet to create a wide-area
facilities network to cover multiple sites and maintenance
contractors, manage furnishings and equipment, and take
bids from multiple suppliers
- Designers can use an extranet to
connect the project team, improve work flow, and allow clients
to participate more actively in the design process.
If your firm is so inclined and able, one of the case studies
covers Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership's custom built extranets.
The firm has learned that there are key advantages to customizing
Web sites for particular clients...that the out-of-box solutions
just can't provide.
The remaining case studies involving extranets discuss some
of the tradeoffs between creating your own system with off-the-shelf
parts or to utilize an out-of-box solution wherein the extranet
is a subscription-based process provided by a third party.
The book provides an extensive checklist of questions for
prospective extranet providers. There is also a section in
this chapter on calculating a return on investment on the
use of project extranets. Anticipated gains from extranets
follow into the following categories:
- Quality Improvements
- Efficiency Improvements
- Time Improvements
- New Sources of Revenue
- Reduced Direct Costs
Chapter 11, Islands of Automation,
is the second to final chapter and provides a forward-looking
approach to where this Net technology is likely taking us
and where we can take advantage of it. Jonathan begins by
talking about the $500 billion worldwide size of AEC and the
industrial process:
"AEC is a huge industry,
yet it is in many ways the opposite of an industrial process.
Its products are unique prototypes built in place one at
a time. The economies of scale that apply to mass production
generally cannot be realized in design and construction."
"Compared to manufacturing,
the AEC industry is very fragmented."
As the benefits of industrialization and information technologies
now merge for the better in all kinds of industries, how does
the AEC industry respond to this new Net era and all its promises?
How can an industry advance in spite of itself...its fragmented
In this chapter the book covers some of the ways this challenge
is being met. XML, extensible markup languagea new hypertext
language for the Internetholds much promise. But it
holds even more promise when it is linked to CAD data. For
this to happen CAD data must become "object-oriented".
Object-oriented CAD is the idea of modeled CAD objects which
contain embedded properties data about that object. Properties
like "shape, behavior, performance data and transport
requirements" are just a few examples.
Additionally these so called "intelligent" CAD
objects (which do not have to be 3D modeled elements) would
contain embedded links to relevant code data and specifications.
XML begins to play a key role when the technology is used
as an enabling agent to access such data and even modify it.
While HTML describes to browsers the appearance of data, XML
describes the data itself, thus enabling Web applications
to understand what something is. The language is flexible
enough to describe just about any information. Thus, as Jonathan
describes, the XML tag "<INSULVAL> might tell the
browser that the next bracketed chunk of text describes the
insulating properties of a material."
The book continues to describe a future where XML and CAD
come together to form intelligent building data that is accessible
over the Net and powerful enough to be utilized by every stage
of the AEC process. Object-oriented CAD models fully possessed
of XML data would enable every member of the AEC process (owner,
architect, builder, user) to access and extract specific information
from the CAD data all over the Web without the need for special
software such as CAD programs or CAD viewers. "With XML
and object-oriented CAD", says Jonathan,"entire
sets of construction documents could be prepared in the form
of live Web sites rather than a collection of static documents."
Closing Comments
After reading Communication and Design with the Internet,
one very salient theme comes across: the world of AEC is changing
dramatically and to an extent unimagined at the beginning
of the CAD era. While the CAD era has over a decade an a half
of real maturity behind it, we are all on the cusp of an entirely
new age in which computing in AEC will take on an even more
dramatic role and effect forever the nature of the AEC process.
A key concern underscored in this book is that the traditional
leaders in the AEC process take control of their Net destiny
and help shape it proactively by embracing the Internet and
exploiting it for what it is. Only by doing this will architects
(in particular) be able to shape technology around their needs
and priorities...concerns which matter deeply to the profession's
definition and social value.
Communication and Design with the Internet
does a wonderful job of presenting these Internet trends affecting
AEC, which will eventually become our reality...whether we
are ready for it or not. I cannot underestimate the value
of this book as a "single source" of this information.
It is a must read for those in the AEC world who wish for
a glimpse of their future.
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Reviews on this Book:
From back cover:
"An indispensable guide to the Internet-enabled future
of design and construction." --
Jerry Laiserin, FAIA
"The best-founded arguments for the new economy in
architecture, engineering construction and operations...a
book that every member of the construction business, every
node in the network...should own, study, and implement."
-- Yoav Etiel, Sr.
VP, Bentley Systems
"I highly recommend this book to anyone involved in
community/land-use development or resource management. It
is a great source of ideas." --
Amazon customer

Frausto-Robledo, B.Arch., is the founder and editor of the award-winning Web site. Educated as an architect,
he has been an architectural professional for over 17 years and was a senior
designer with the distinguished Boston architectural firm Koetter
Kim & Associates prior to launching his web consultancy, BritasMedia.
As president of BritasMedia, Anthony consults AEC firms on strategic Web initiatives,
animation, databases, and IT-related issues in addition to publishing the Architosh
site daily. Since 1997 he has been a member of the Thesis Studio and History
& Theory faculty at the Boston Architectural
Center College of Architecture and Interior Design and a Thesis Advisor.
publishing mission with the Architosh Website is to serve a worldwide audience
of Macintosh-based CAD/3D and AEC professionals with market-leading information
technology (IT) resources, news and editorial products. Architosh currently
serves over 25,000 readers monthly in more than 70 countries around the world.