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26 Sep 00


MacAEC News: AIA to support Macintosh in 2001, AIA Docs

Architosh has learned that the American Institute of Architects is planning to bring its electronic documents program to the Macintosh in 2001. When exactly has not been determined.

Architosh received the following email concerning the electronic version of AIA Contract Documents from Kevin Pierce, AIA.:

I received an interesting response from the Chicago AIA chapter -- see below. Seems late but better than not at all. Also, Alice claimed that the PC version was not anything anyone wanted to use...Alice Sinkevitch wrote:

Dear Kevin,

The new version of AIA Contract Documents: Electronic Format is due out next month. It will be version 3.0. Because of the small, but important group of potential users (mostly architects) who have asked to have this available for the Mac, a Mac version is due out "sometime in 2001" -- according to the latest information from the national AIA.

Alice Sinkevitch, Hon. AIA
Executive Director
AIA Chicago Chapter


Equal Dues Means Equal Resources: Mac Architects Demand

Architosh has written about this issue before and back then it appeared quite useless in getting the AIA to recognize the lack of parity in resources for Mac-based architects who pay the same membership dues for AIA membership as Windows-based professionals. Back in April of this year Robert Pfaffmann, AIA, a past AIA president, communicated with Mr. Koonce of the AIA the day of the Microsoft Antitrust case verdict:

Mr. Koonce,

Could you explain to me why the Mac is still not supported for electronic documents...The number of architects using Macs is quite high, depending on the survey it ranges from 15-35%. Many leading design firms use it. I have a small firm of ten that is all Macintosh. I resent the lack of support. The Internet is a cross platform environment...The documents must be this way too.

This is a serious issue for me-- I spend too much time dealing with manual work arounds...And no I am not going to buy a PC ,unless of course you would like to pay for it...;)

The news today about the Microsoft antitrust decision should make the AIA take notice, and avoid the WINTEL cartel...the [key] word in all AIA standards should be "CROSS PLATFORM" ---sounds like a resolution in the making if we [Mac architects] can't get some respect.


Rob Pfaffmann, AIA (AIA chapter president 1992)

Now it appears the AIA is listening, hopefully in part by our aggressive articles on the matter and active architects willing to voice their opinions.

But why so long to publish a Mac version when a new version has just been created? Architosh will be inquiring into this further in the week ahead. Stay tuned!

You can write here to request Mac AIA electronic docs and programs. Please mention that you are an architect and AIA member. If not a member because of this issue please state that. It's very important. Be heard!!

Have insider information or AIA programs for PC-only users? Let us know. Thanks.

Thanks to Keven Pierce, AIA, for bringing this to our attention.

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